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Psychotherapy Pricing

Starting psychotherapy is a valuable journey for anyone. This journey is not just about growth but also about finding affordable options that suit your needs and budget.

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Face-to-face Psychotherapy in Madrid 

1 hour = 70 euros

* Bonus Valid for 3 months

E-Psychology is perfect to include well-being at any time and everywhere: 

  • If you travel a lot for work, wherever you go you can always continue with your therapeutic process.

  • If you have a high-pressure work schedule, you can find 60 minutes for yourself that allow you to regain your balance.

  • If combining work and personal life does not allow you to spend hours in the car or public transport to get to your psychologist's clinic, now you can get home, rest, and connect with your psychologist.

  • If you have a physical disability or illness that keeps you at home or in the hospital, now you can connect with your psychologist.

  • If you live in another country and need support in your mother tongue, we are here to assist. 

  • If you need a professional specialist for your problem, we will be delighted to help you. 

Easy Payment

Only for Spain
Around the World
Sessions are paid in advance.  We offer sliding scale pricing when the economic situation is at risk
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